Annuario s dans les Deux-Sèvres
13 web Deux-Sèvres.
Transports Pierrick LEAU
Transports LEAU est une société spécialisée dans les transports par plateau et par benne ; mais aussi dans le transport de vrac (ferraille, gravier, etc.). Nous proposons des solutions de levage. Transports THIBAULT STT est une société spécialisée dans les transports par citerne (hydrocarbure, bitume, engrais liquide et pulvérulents) - Entreprise certifiée ISO 9001 Version 2000
Voiture occasion multimarque
My name is Lionel PLANCHET. I would like to welcome you in Poitou-Charentes.
I’m the manager of the RENAULT Garage « Ets PLANCHET AUTOMOBILES » in St GERMAIN de Longue Chaume. We are only 10 minutes away from PARTHENAY on the road to Moncoutant.
I can help you with anything regarding your car such as getting a French registration for your car.
With my team we would be delighted to offer you our services to maintain your car.
We repair all makes, and can deal with all mechanical repairs, bodywork, tyres – brakes – tracking – cam belts – head gaskets – suspension – repair and repla
ORIAIN GRAPHICS : Graphisme papier et multimédia
Oriain Graphics is there to help you to create and to perennialize the graphic identity of your company through your paper, multimedia and graphic communications, from your logo to your website.
Oriain Graphics, it is the respect of your needs, your desires and your budgetary constraints. Whatever are your request and your requirements, we can design something for you, we commit ourselves to answer you as well as possible that it will be possible for us
Guilletgraphiste, graphiste indépendant (freelance) réalise tous vos supports de communication : logo, dépliant, plaquette, design site internet, illustration, affiche, solution Pack'Créateur d'entreprise.
N'hésitez pas à me rendre visite sur www.guilletgraphiste.com : vous y découvrirez mon jardin graphique, parcours, expérience et réalisations... devis gratuits sur simple demande !
guilletgraphiste - Entreprise Individuelle -79700 Mauléon - code APE 9003A
Entretien,nettoyage et fleurissement de sépultures.
Endless memory is a firm of services to the person specialized in cleaning, maintenance and fleurissement of burials and funeral monuments.
I offer you maintenance, cleaning and fleurissement in a unique, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly manner; every season or event.
Endless memory allows you to honour the memory of the deceased, that you are close or distant from the family monument.
Iscrivete il vostro sito nell'annuario, è gratuito.